“We’re here to serve you and help you know the love of God, experience the joy of His family and make a difference in the world!”

Ken Woolf, lead pastor

Our Pastor

Showing You the Way

Ken Woolf

Ken Woolf

Lead Pastor

Pastor Ken and Jeanie Woolf have been married over 35 years and have been in ministry for over 25 years. They have two children, Staci and Justin, who are both graduates of Christ for the Nations Institute and are involved in the ministry with them.

Pastor Ken believes his life purpose is to encourage people all over the world with the Good News of Jesus Christ. Ken has traveled to many countries, speaking and teaching in Bible schools and conducting pastoral and church leadership conferences.

Ken is an ordained minister with the Fellowship of Ministers and Churches at Christ for the Nations Institute in Dallas, TX.

Ken enjoys fishing and hunting. Jeanie enjoys reading and shopping. They both love the family of God and believe the local church is the hope of the world. Their personal mission is to bring hope, healing and health to a hurting world.

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Our Leadership

Knowing Love and Sharing It

Children’s Pastors

Worship Pastor

Youth Pastors

Our Elders

Encounter Church’s Elders are JoAnn Grey, Steve Bachman, Tony Woods and Jim Bober.