EQUIP Leadership

EQUIP Leadership

EQUIP Leadership empowers believers to freely share their faith within their circles of influence. Our world is ready for a new legacy of Christian leaders – leaders who bring the hope of a transformed world and a brighter future based on Biblical values and a relationship with God.

In a world that appears so divisive, EQUIP offers evangelistic solutions that first add value to a lost world and ultimately deliver hope that comes with faith in Jesus.

At its core, the program is an outreach from believers to those within their circles of influence, often within the business community. We train local influencers to conduct Beyond Success tables with other leaders and acquaintances.

Beyond Success tables offer a highly accessible pathway to personal improvement as well as an opportunity to hear John C. Maxwell share his faith. We have seen the effectiveness of this strategy throughout the world. People’s lives are improving as they apply the personal growth and leadership development principles and many thousands have come to Christ.