Prayer that changes your life

I’ll never forget when I recommitted my heart to Jesus Christ after going in an unhealthy direction with my life for several years.   There were miracles at that time when God was exposing his unconditional, unfailing love to me and his grace was being poured out like drinking from a firehouse. 

It was one of those times when I could not reach mercy but mercy came running to me.  It was also a painful season because God was also exposing some things in my life that were unhealthy!  Although his forgiveness was a breath of fresh air. That’s just our God. 

Another chance was in front of me and God was saying, “Okay lets go, I’m going to restore the years the enemy thinks he’s stolen and I’m going to thrust you into my plan for your life!” 

One thing totally unexpected yet powerful happened now over some 30 years ago.  An overwhelming hunger was ignited in me to spend time in God’s presence, in prayer. 

Sometimes it’s difficult to explain but that once cold place in my heart was now burning with a desire to spend time in prayer! 

They say the journey to consistent prayer begins with desire then discipline and then delight.  But by the grace of God I bypassed the discipline stage and went right into the delight stage.  Being disciplined really wasn’t an issue because it was such a delight. 

During this season of recommitting and rebuilding while God was restoring I needed many things to change.  And to be truthful there were some situations that did change and I’m forever grateful for what God did and continues to do. 

But what about those things that I pleaded with God to change and nothing happened.  Nothing changed!  I prayed and I was diligent and persevered and asked God to change some things yet nothing changed. 

Wait that’s not correct, something was changing!  I was changing, from the inside out. 

I’m no theologian and I continue to grow in my relationship with God  but I’ve discovered one simple truth after many hours of prayer in over 30 years. 

When I’m praying and seeking God and asking him to change my circumstances and it appears nothing is changing, something is changing.  God is changing me. 

I’m growing bigger on the inside than I am on the outside.  Yes God is answering my prayer, it’s just not the way I thought he would. 

My friend prayer changes things.  It changes you and then you change things!

 I discovered that when God was creating a new heart in me, changing me, the greater work was being accomplished as I spent time in prayer! 

Your Heavenly Father longs to spend time with you! 

“So all of us who have had that veil removed can see and reflect the glory of the Lord. And the Lord—who is the Spirit—makes us more and more like him as we are changed into his glorious image.”  -2Corinthians 3:18

Devoted to prayer that changes me,

Pastor Ken