Elisha – Trust & Obey

In this week’s story, a man named Naaman is told to do some very unconventional things in order to receive his healing. Elisha knew that Naaman had a problem trusting and obeying. If he didn’t follow God’s instructions, God was not going to heal him.

When God speaks, we should obey. It doesn’t matter if what He says makes sense to us. We are to obey simply
because we are His children and He is our Heavenly Father.

If we will obey no matter what, we will find ourselves in the same spot that Naaman found himself – on the other side of his miracle. God is not asking us to “earn” His power. He is asking us to trust Him and obey Him.

In this week’s lesson, the children learned that God is God – we are not. If we will trust and obey Him, there is no limit to what He can do in our lives.