Serve-Pro – The Room

Serve-Pro – The Room

Sunday October 10, 2021 INTRODUCTION:  Set the stage from Luke 22.  Jesus sharing the Passover meal with his disciples.  Men he had been with for 3 years.  They don’t fully understand what’s going on this Passover.  They’re just sitting down to share the Passover meal as all good Jews did but what they didn’t...

Serve-Pro: Become a Pro at Serving Others

Serve-Pro: Become a Pro at Serving Others

Sunday October 03, 2021 INTRODUCTION:  Every week at Encounter, we are given the opportunity to practice putting our attention less on ourselves and more on others.  I WANT YOU AND ME TO BECOME PRO’S AT SERVING!  I’ve been told several times that I need to protect the life that is in this church.  That...

Hearing God’s Voice for Breakthrough

Hearing God’s Voice for Breakthrough

Sunday August 26, 2021 I believe every Christian longs for and needs breakthroughs from God.  We long to hear God’s voice clearly.  We want God to speak to us regarding some area of concern.  PICTURE IT THIS WAY:  Many of us have used a power drill to bore a hole through a piece of...


Listening Sunday September 19, 2021 DOES LISTENING REALLY MAKE A DIFFERENCE?  Jeremiah 7:24 (NLT)-“But my people would not listen to me. They kept doing whatever they wanted, following the stubborn desires of their evil hearts. They went backward instead of forward.” Isaiah 28:12 (NLT)- “God has told his people, “Here is a place of rest;...

The Invincible Family

The Invincible Family

Sunday September  2021 Invincible- incapable of being conquered, overcome, or subdued. To powerful to be defeated or overcome Today we’re talking about “The Invincible Family, the Power of Unity” Genesis 1:26- “Then God said, “Let us make human beings in our image, to be like us. They will reign over the fish in the...



August 29, 2021  (walking in purpose, exercising trust, standing in faith) MOVING TIME– I hate moving. I hate everything about it. I’ll load the truck and unload the truck but packing the boxes is not my thing. Moving is uncomfortable and time consuming but if it’s God’s will, there’s a purpose behind it. But when...

Faith-Full – The Battle

Faith-Full – The Battle

August 15, 2021 “In a pit with a lion on a snowy day” by Mark Batterson 2 Samuel 23:20-21 NLT 20 There was also Benaiah, He did many heroic deeds, which included killing two champions[b] of Moab. Another time, on a snowy day, he chased a lion down into a pit and killed it. 21 Once,...

Faith-Full – Overcoming the Scarcity Mindset

Faith-Full – Overcoming the Scarcity Mindset

Sunday August 8, 2021 Scarcity- the state of being scarce or in short supply; shortage.  Insufficient for the supply!  Especially food, money or some other resource.  The Bible mentions the topic of money and possessions over 2000 times because God knows that money and things are the #1 competition for your heart!  Overcoming the...

Faith-Full – Encouragement-Full

Faith-Full – Encouragement-Full Sunday August 01, 2021 INTRODUCTION:  We’ve been in this series for a few weeks talking about the FAITH-FULL life.   Living a life full of faith in a negative world!  A negative, fearful outlook never leads to a faith full life!  You can’t be full of fear and faith at the same time!  Jesus shares...

Faith-Full – Restoring Passion

Faith-Full – Restoring Passion

Sunday July 18, 2021 Was there ever a time in your life you just felt closer to God?  You knew God was working in your life.  You could sense his presence.  You were spiritually growing!  YOU WERE ON FIRE FOR JESUS!  Then something happened.   I don’t know what Your “SOMETHING” might be. A huge...