BUGS – Spider

BUGS – Spider

Spiders weave webs to trap their prey. They lie in wait for an unsuspecting insect to fly or crawl into the web and get stuck. Then, the spider moves in for the kill. Satan, our enemy, does much the same with us. He weaves a web oftemptation in order to trap us into sin. Much...

BUGS – Caterpillar and Butterfly

BUGS – Caterpillar and Butterfly

Each person who has accepted Jesus as his or her Lord and Savior is a brand new person. The old person who used to sin and do things that broke God’s heart is gone. The new person who is living under the obedience of Christ is now alive. Just as the caterpillar crawls on the...

BUGS – Lightning Bug

BUGS – Lightning Bug

Jesus said, “I am the Light of the world.” We, too, are supposed to duplicate that light. This world is full of sin. Sin triesto choke out the Light that Jesus put inside each of us. Sometimes we try to hide that light and keep it from beingseen for fear we may be made fun...



Throughout the church’s history, Christians have struggled to work together in unity. Individuals have strong feelings on how we should go about accomplishing God’s work. Many times, those feelings and ideas differ from one another. Too often, Christians begin to fight against one another rather than work together in unity. Nothing causes more damage to...

BUGS-Praying Mantis

BUGS-Praying Mantis

Life is full of choices. It’s so easy to rely on our own minds and power to make those hard decisions.God has provided a way for each of us to plug into His power and wisdom through prayer. Too often we choose the advice of friends, family, internet, books, television, etc., before we ever go...

Never Forget – I Must Care For Others Like Jesus Would

Never Forget – I Must Care For Others Like Jesus Would

The world is full of people – people of all different shapes, sizes, personalities, backgrounds, etc. Chances are – you will never find someone exactly like yourself in this world, who likes the same things as you and has all the same opinions and personality traits as you. And chances are – you will find...

Never Forget – When I Honor Authority, I Am Blessed

Never Forget – When I Honor Authority, I Am Blessed

God has put people of authority in our lives to help us grow and to keep us on the straight and narrow. If we want to have the life God has planned for us, we have to honor and obey their authority. In fact, the most important authority in your life – the one that...

Never Forget – I Am Forgiven

Never Forget – I Am Forgiven

We tend to put people in categories. Some people we think are potentialChristians. Others we label as “hopeless” and assume they will nevergive their lives to God. After all, they are just “too far gone.” We stop praying for them, witnessing to them, or even hoping for a change.Many would have put the thief on...

Never Forget – God Is With Me In The Storm

Never Forget – God Is With Me In The Storm

In life, we are guaranteed that we will face all kinds of storms – all kinds oftrouble. In fact, Jesus said, “In this world, you will have trouble….” We willface many storms in life – storms of different sizes and intensity. The children learned from the Bible Story that Jesus isn’t afraid or scaredduring the...