Hope is Here – Worship Changes Things

Hope is Here – Worship Changes Things

INTRODUCTION:  The Dallas Cowboys are looking for a kicker!  Anyone interested?  They might even, and probably should be, looking for a quarterback.  Anyone interested?   The Tampa Bay Buccaneers might be looking for a quarterback next season, who knows what Tom Brady is going to do.  Anyone interested?   The Denver Broncos and a few...

Hope is Here-God’s Desire

Hope is Here-God’s Desire

INTRODUCTION:  My marriage was in chaos!  If you were to look from the outside in and discover what was going on “in the house” you would have said “no hope!”   I was telling someone the other day a story that the Holy Spirit reminds me of when I get to the place and I’m...

Phoneo Ministry

Phoneo Ministry

Phoneo Ministry in located in Reghin, Romania www.phoneo.org The work of Phoneo is overseen by Ronald and Pauline Wolthuis. Ronald also pastors a church in Reghin.  Biserica Iosua Christian Church Also a new church plant in Cluj Napoca, Romania name Destiny Church They have been pioneering the work in the Roma communities of Reghin and surrounding...