Anger is an emotion we all deal with. However, Jesus said on the Sermon on the Mount, “Anger is murder!” So what does that mean? Does that mean if you are angry, you are a murderer? Well, not exactly. What Jesus is saying is that when you hold on to your anger and allow it...
Author: Encountertexoma
August 29, 2021 (walking in purpose, exercising trust, standing in faith) MOVING TIME– I hate moving. I hate everything about it. I’ll load the truck and unload the truck but packing the boxes is not my thing. Moving is uncomfortable and time consuming but if it’s God’s will, there’s a purpose behind it. But when...
OUCH – Don’t Judge Others, Or You Will Be Judged!
Have you ever known someone that was SO BAD that you thought, “They could NEVER become a Christian!”? OR have you ever known someone who had done so many sinful things that you thought, “That person sure does deserve some punishment!?” Well, that’s exactly what the Pharisees thought when they brought the woman to Jesus...
OUCH! – Cut off your hand
Have you ever wanted something SO BAD that you were willing to do ANYTHING to get it? Have you had the attitude of “whatever it takes” – nothing was going to stop you! Well, that is exactly the attitude that Jesus says we are supposed to have when it comes to staying away from sin....
Faith-Full – The Battle
August 15, 2021 “In a pit with a lion on a snowy day” by Mark Batterson 2 Samuel 23:20-21 NLT 20 There was also Benaiah, He did many heroic deeds, which included killing two champions[b] of Moab. Another time, on a snowy day, he chased a lion down into a pit and killed it. 21 Once,...
OUCH! – Be Happy When People Pick on You
Everyone gets mistreated at one time or another. It’s a part of life, but how we respond is important. It’s natural to respond to bullies and mean words and actions by getting upset or even angry, but Jesus said we shouldn’t respond that way. Jesus said we should be HAPPY when people pick on us....
Faith-Full – Overcoming the Scarcity Mindset
Sunday August 8, 2021 Scarcity- the state of being scarce or in short supply; shortage. Insufficient for the supply! Especially food, money or some other resource. The Bible mentions the topic of money and possessions over 2000 times because God knows that money and things are the #1 competition for your heart! Overcoming the...
Elisha – Trust & Obey
In this week’s story, a man named Naaman is told to do some very unconventional things in order to receive his healing. Elisha knew that Naaman had a problem trusting and obeying. If he didn’t follow God’s instructions, God was not going to heal him. When God speaks, we should obey. It doesn’t matter if...
Faith-Full – Encouragement-Full Sunday August 01, 2021 INTRODUCTION: We’ve been in this series for a few weeks talking about the FAITH-FULL life. Living a life full of faith in a negative world! A negative, fearful outlook never leads to a faith full life! You can’t be full of fear and faith at the same time! Jesus shares...
Elisha – Poison in the Pot
We serve an amazing God. He is able to do so much more than we can imagine. Often, God knows exactlywhat we need when we don’t even realize what we need ourselves. Elisha and his fellow prophets nearly died when they almost ate a poisonous pot of stew. God knew exactly whatthey needed. He protected...