Many years ago a man named David was chosen by God to be the next King of Israel, yet afterwards he hid in caves in the wilderness because the current King wanted to kill him.
That King knew how to throw spears. And David learned to dodge spears which is much better than learning the art of throwing spears.
Many years before God chose David he chose another man named Joseph and gave him a dream! Sounds delightful! A dream from God!
Although, the family of Joseph wasn’t delighted with the “dreamer” so they threw him in a pit. This led to Joseph being sold into slavery and then wrongfully accused of rape and being incarcerated for a crime he didn’t commit.
How can we fully explain why these men had to experience what they did but history and the Bible tell us the God given dream of Joseph was fulfilled and that David did take his place as King.
Joseph was put in a position to protect the birthing process of a Nation and David would later lead that Nation.
How did they reach the goal after facing daunting circumstances? ATTITUDE!
I’ve heard it said before that attitude will determine your altitude!
Attitude, everybody has one! Attitude will determine your destiny!
Wait a minute I thought God determines my destiny? It was God’s plan for a whole generation of the Children of Israel to enter the promised land after being delivered from Egyptian bondage, yet they died in the wilderness.
WHY? Because of their ATTITUDE! They did nothing but murmur and complain which expressed their ungrateful hearts of unbelief.
“in everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.” (1 Thessalonians 5:18)
An attitude of gratitude is everything!
When I’m thankful in all things it communicates to God that I trust Him and believe that whatever He’s promised is true and is going to happen. My friends that’s everything to God.
“And it is impossible to please God without faith. Anyone who wants to come to him must believe that God exists and that he rewards those who sincerely seek him.” (Hebrews 11:6)
Maybe it’s time for an ATITUDE check up!
Dreaming Again,