The God who never changes is always changing things!  Time changes things and Covid-19 has definitely changed things.

Yet we treat change like the plague, no pun intended, and dig our heels in and demand it be done like it’s been done the last 30 years.  

There are days I reflect back on the years I attended grade school and I miss my hometown and the friends I grew up with.  And it doesn’t help that I attended the greatest school in Texas, Port Neches-Groves.  Yep I still bleed purple from time to time!  Scalp-em Indians! 

But it would seem odd and I’d probably end up in jail if I kept showing up at the High School trying to attend classes some 39 years later.


Change is inevitable, whether we’re forced to change because we’re under a “shelter in place” or it’s a willful change. So why do we fight change so much? 

One of our church elders said something that is now forever engrained in my cerebral cortex. 

“When people fight change it’s because they want to be immutable like God and we are not. They want to be God.”  WOW! 

I am the Lord, I do not change…” (Malachi 3:6) 

That’s why God’s Word, the Bible, will never change.  Because the Author never changes!

But the God who never changes is always changing things!  One minute he speaks from a burning bush and then the next he speaks from a cloud.   On one occasion Jesus touches someone and heals them and then on another they touch Him and are healed. 

One minute a blind man is healed after Jesus puts mud in his eyes and tells him to go for a swim in a pool of water and the next minute Jesus heals a blind man simply by speaking to him and telling him his faith has healed him.

The God who never changes is always changing things.  So therefore when we are forced to change our methods who better to turn to than God! Because he was always changing His methods!

So we need to SEEK AND SURRENDER! 

Today I want to SEEK God with all my heart and hear His voice! 

Then I want to SURRENDER to what He’s doing in my life.  I want to SURRENDER to what He’s doing in His church. I want to SURRENDER to what He’s doing in the earth! 


If I’m really honest the biggest reason I fight change is because I want to control. One of my favorite pastors, Craig Groeschel, made the following statement recently. “God can do more with your surrender than He can with your control.” WOW!

For I am about to do something new.  See, I have already begun! Do you not see it? I will make a pathway through the wilderness. I will create rivers in the dry wasteland.” 
(Isaiah 43:19)

You and I can reach people in an ever-changing world with the Good News of a loving Heavenly Father that never changes, if we are willing to change! 
