For where two or three gather together as my followers, I am there among them.  ~Matthew 18:20

2+Life Groups are small groups of two or more which gather with the purpose of connecting with family and growing in relationship with the Lord.  By offering a variety of groups every day of the week in homes, cafes, parks and more, there are more opportunities to grow as a disciple and as one who makes disciples.  This is core to our values at Encounter Church.


  • Bible Study:  These groups will focus on books of the Bible or Biblical Topics (i.e. grace, salvation, Holy Spirit, etc)
  • Prayer Groups:  These groups will focus on praying for specific things such as the nation, the church, schools, the nations, families, etc.
  • Book Study Groups:   Like a book club, these groups will read a pre-selected book and discuss it together.  These books will be around a variety of topics, but all centered in Scripture and Biblical living.
  • Men’s / Women’s Groups:  In addition to the monthly gatherings of the Men’s and Women’s ministries, these groups are designed to tackle issues specific to men and women as they grow in their relationships with the Lord.
  • Marriage / Parenting / Singles / Seniors:  These groups are designed to support and encourage each other in the various stages of life.
  • Special Interest Groups:  Fun is a core value at Encounter Church, and we believe that one of the best ways to grow in relationship and with the Lord is by enjoying the things we love with others.  These groups are for artists, fishermen, bikers, health enthusiasts, crafters, cooks and bakers, and so much more!


What is the difference between 2+ Life Groups and Equip Classes?

Equip Classes (Healthy Foundations, True Freedom, Encounter Leadership) are groups for the entire congregation to understand and establish the culture of Encounter Church and will meet on Wednesday nights.  Everyone is encouraged to attend these classes.   

2+ Life Groups meet any other day (except Wednesday) and are designed for more intimate discussion and connection and growth.  

Will childcare be available for these groups?

At this time, childcare will be not be provided by Encounter Church, but some groups may be child friendly or may offer childcare.  For example, some parenting groups may meet in a park which would allow kids to play close by.   It will be clearly noted in the group description.

2+ Life Groups — Fall 2022 [September – December]

Group:            WOMEN OF WORTH                           Leader:  Jeanie Woolf             Meets:  1st Monday of Every Month  6:30pm

Description:    This is Encounter’s Women’s Ministry.  Come and join us each month for a time of food, teaching, prayer and fellowship. 

Location:        Encounter Church        Childcare Available:  No      Contact Jeanie:


Group:            THROUGH THE WORD STUDY GROUP           Leader:  Lynda Bober              Meets:  Varies

Description:    An online Bible study group for men and women, in which participants read a chapter each day and access additional study tools via the “Through the Word” App, then share insights via text messages throughout the week. 

Location:        Online/Phone                          Childcare Available:  No                  Contact Lynda:


Group:            PIVOT                            Leader(s):  Melissa Barnett/Lisa Williams     Meets:  Every other Sunday 12:30pm

Description:    This is a group for single, divorced and widowed women, which gathers to grow together while learning about healing and what it looks like to thrive in God’s Kingdom. 

Location: Encounter Church  Childcare Available:  No

 Contact Melissa:  Lisa:


Group:            IRON MEN                               Leader:  Lin Barnett                Meets:  2nd Monday 6:30pm / 4th Saturday 8:30am

Description:    This is Encounter’s Men’s Ministry and meets twice per month to foster growth for men of all ages, with a focus on becoming mature spiritual leaders in your home and in the church.  

Location:        2nd Monday, 4th Saturday @ Encounter Church      Childcare Available:  No

Contact Lin:


Group:            MEN’S BIBLE STUDY                Leader:  Tom Hansen                         Meets:  Tuesdays 6:00pm

Description:    A Bible study group for men in which we examine the Word and how it applies to our lives, while growing and encouraging each other.

Location:   Hansen’s Home, Wichita Falls        Childcare Available:  No          Contact Tom:


Group:            INTERCESSORY PRAYER                 Leader(s):  Kim Hansen/Trude Jones            Meets:  2nd & 4th Mondays, 7:00pm

Description:    This is a women’s prayer group with a focus on prayer for families, church, city, state, nation, the world, Israel and the Great Awakening.  There will be a short teaching on prayer, with most of the time dedicated to praying. 

Location:  Hansen’s & Jones’ Homes, Wichita Falls    Childcare Available:  No  

Contact Kim:   Contact Trude:


Group:            CORNERSTONE                                   Leader(s):  Steve & Mae Shelley                    Meets:  Every other Sunday 5:00pm

Description:    This is a home group dedicated to growing together through the Word and in prayer and worship. We meet every other Sunday, discussing various topics and teachings. 

Location: Shelley’s Home, Wichita Falls   Childcare Available:  No, but children are welcome 

Contact Steve:


Group:            FRIDAY FIRE                            Leader(s):  Paul & Christi Tittsworth              Meets:  1st & 3rd Fridays  7:00pm

Description:    Formerly “1st Friday”, we’ve added another night for worship, prayer and prophetic declarations!   There will be a brief teaching with the majority of the time spent in worship, prayer, and pursuing the heart of God for this season. 

Location: Tittsworth’s Home, Wichita Falls                 Childcare Available:  No, but children are most welcome

Contact Christi: 214-830-7100 or     Contact Paul:


Group:            FAITH-BASED WRITERS GROUP          Leader:  Deborah Bachman                Meets:  3rd Saturday 10:00am

Description:    This is a group designed to give individuals that desire to write about their faith an opportunity to gather, share ideas, provide feedback and encouragement, network, share resources and hone their craft. 

Location:        Encounter Church Annex         Childcare Available:  No     Contact Deborah:


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